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Chiropractic Care Specialist

Shane Smith, DC -  - Chiropractor

Modern Chiropractic

Shane Smith, DC

Chiropractor located in Newington, CT & Torrington, CT

Dr. Shane and the staff of Modern Chiropractic offer a full line of chiropractic care services, as well as many other treatment options. The facility serves residents in the greater Newington and Torrington, Connecticut areas.

Chiropractic Care Q & A

What Types of Health Conditions can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care is capable of addressing the symptoms of many different health conditions. Lower back pain, neck pain, migraine/headache pain, sciatica, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. Chiropractic care is based on the concept that balance within the body is the key to good health. Balance begins with the spinal column that supports the body and encases the spinal cord that reaches out to every part of the body. What affects one part of the body will affect other parts of the body if it is not brought under control. The best way to achieve that goal is to adjust the spinal column, strengthen and tone the muscles, and ensure the nerves have the nutritional support they need from proper blood flow.

Does Chiropractic Care Include Invasive Procedures?

Chiropractic care does not use invasive procedures to help control pain and inflammation. Chiropractic care works to address pain and discomfort by re-establishing balance within the body. This helps to restore blood flow to all areas of the body. Correcting structural abnormalities are addressed through adjustments, tissue manipulation, and various forms of exercises that are used to stretch and pull muscles and connective tissues. While not all problems can be corrected with these types of treatments, those that can often heal faster and more efficiently than if they were treated with other methods.

What Does Corrective Care Refer To?

Corrective care refers to correcting any structural abnormalities within the body that are responsible for pain, inflammation, and other types of discomfort, such as numbness, tingling, and the feeling of pins and needles. Chiropractic adjustments offer corrective care in an attempt fix problems within the musculoskeletal structure of the body. By addressing the cause and correcting the problem, they not only relieve the symptoms, the eliminate the source and prevent future flare-ups. Corrective care is the second phase of healing, second to relieving the pain and discomfort. Once the problem is corrected, the wellness phase begins.


Most insurance plans are accepted at our chiropractic office. We accept auto accident, workers compensation, and personal injury cases that have resulted in back pain, neck pain, headaches, or other related pain conditions. We also accept most health insurance plans, including Medicare. Because there are many insurance plans out there and because coverage for chiropractic care varies widely, please call us to find out if your plan covers care in our office. Before you start a chiropractic care plan, our staff would be happy to verify your benefits and explain them to you at no charge. We also offer cash payment plans.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Health Care